Make Chat Completion step

This step allows you to generate responses using the OpenAI chat completion API, enabling sophisticated conversational interactions.


  • Connection: Choose the connection to the OpenAI API. This field is required.

  • Model: Specify the model for the chat completion. The default is "gpt-3.5-turbo". Refer to the OpenAI model list for available models. This field is required and must be between 1 and 100 characters long.

  • Instructions: Provide instructions for the model on how to behave, what tone to use, etc. This field supports multiline input.

  • Message: The latest message from the user. This field supports multiline input.

  • History: Include message history to provide context to the model.

    • Assistant: Specify which author's messages should be considered as assistant messages. Messages from other authors will be considered user messages. This field is required.

    • Messages: Provide a list of messages. This field is required. You can retrieve messages using Get Message History step

  • Max Tokens: Set the maximum number of tokens to generate in the chat completion. The default is 256, and the minimum value is 1.


  • Message: The generated message from the chat completion.

This step leverages the capabilities of OpenAI's language models to enhance conversational AI, allowing for dynamic and context-aware responses.

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