Send a message every hour
Last updated
Last updated
Video tutorial is available:
Create a new automation and select Schedule as trigger:
Select Recurring as Mode.
Enter 0 0 * ? * * *
as Expression. This is called a CRON expression. This particular expression means that it will run at 0 seconds and 0 minutes of every (*) hour on every (?) day of month, every (*) month, on every (*) day of week, every (*) year. You can use a tool to help you build an expression for your needs:
Select your timezone as Timezone.
Now add a step by clicking on + button and select Send message step.
Select a Channel that should receive the message.
Enter message Content.
Now click on Create to create the automation.
If you want to test it without waiting for the next hour you can also set the expression to 0 * * ? * * *
to send it every minute. Or */30 * * ? * * *
to send it every 30 seconds.