Play Audio


The "Play Audio" step allows you to play an audio file or stream in a specified voice channel. This step is useful for automations that involve playing music, sound effects, or other audio content within a Discord server.


  • Channel: Specifies the voice channel where the audio will be played. This parameter is required.

  • Source: The source of the audio, which can be provided in one of two ways:

    • URL: A URL pointing to the audio file. This parameter is required if no file is provided.

    • File: An audio file uploaded directly. This parameter is required if no URL is provided.

  • Duration: (Optional) Limits the playtime of the audio. If not specified, the audio will play in full.

  • Volume: The volume level for playback, ranging from 0 to 1000, with a default value of 50.

This step allows for flexibility in audio playback, with options for both volume control and playtime limits.

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