Guild Message Deleted


The "Guild Message Deleted" trigger activates whenever a message is deleted in specified channels within a guild. This trigger is useful for monitoring message deletions, enabling automations to respond to or log these events.


  • Filters: A set of conditions that determine where the trigger should activate. This parameter includes:

    • Guilds:

      • Allow: Specifies the guilds where the trigger should activate.

    • Channels:

      • Allow: Specifies the channels within the guilds where the trigger should activate. This parameter is required if no "Deny" channels are specified.

      • Deny: Specifies the channels within the guilds where the trigger should not activate. This parameter is required if no "Allow" channels are specified.


  • Guild: The guild where the message was deleted. This output provides the context of the triggered event.

  • Channel: The channel from which the message was deleted.

  • Message ID: The ID of the deleted message.

  • Message: The content of the deleted message, if it was tracked. This output may be null if the message was not among the last 50 messages received since the bot started.

Note: This trigger only tracks the last 50 messages received since the bot was started. If a deleted message was not tracked, the Message output will be empty / null.

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