Reply to Interaction


This step is designed to send replies to various user interactions like commands, modal submissions, or button presses in Discord.


Enables the bot to respond directly to an interaction triggered by a user. These interactions can be from commands, modals, or buttons.


  1. Interaction: Choose the interaction to which the bot will reply. This is a required field.

  2. Ephemeral: Decide whether the reply should be ephemeral (visible only to the user who triggered the interaction). This is a required field.

  3. Content: Enter the message content for the reply. The content must be between 1 and the maximum allowed message length in Discord, and it can be multiline. This is a required field.

  4. Embeds:

    1. Title: Set the title of the embed. Length must be between 1 and the maximum title length allowed by Discord. Supports multiline text.

    2. URL: (Optional) A URL to be associated with the title.

    3. Description: (Optional) Detailed description for the embed. Maximum length allowed by Discord. Supports multiline text.

    4. Color: (Optional) Choose a color for the embed.

    5. Author: (Optional) Include author information with optional name, URL, and icon URL.

    6. Thumbnail URL: (Optional) URL of the thumbnail image to be displayed in the embed.

    7. Image URL: (Optional) URL of the image to be included in the embed.

    8. Timestamp: (Optional) Add a timestamp to the embed.

    9. Footer: (Optional) Include footer text and an optional icon URL.

    10. Fields: (Optional) Add up to 25 fields, each with a name, value, and option to display inline.

  5. Attachments: A list of files to be attached to the message. Each attachment can have a description.

  6. Action Rows: A list of action rows for adding interactive components to the message. These can include:

    1. Buttons: List of buttons with customizable styles, URLs, labels, and emojis.

      1. Style: Determines the appearance of the button. Options include:

        1. Primary: A blue button, typically used for primary actions.

        2. Secondary: A grey button, used for secondary actions.

        3. Success: A green button, indicating a successful action or positive choice.

        4. Danger: A red button, often used for actions that could have negative consequences, such as deletions.

        5. Link: A button that opens a URL. This style requires the url parameter.

      2. ID: A unique identifier for the button (automatically generated).

      3. URL: The web address that the button will open when clicked. This parameter is only applicable and required if the button style is Link. It provides a way to direct users to external resources directly from the button click.

      4. Label: The text displayed on the button. This is a required field, as it informs users of the button's purpose or action. The label should be concise and clear.

      5. Emoji: An optional emoji that can be displayed on the button, adding visual interest or further context to the button's function.

    2. Select Menu: A dropdown menu for selecting options, which can be of types like text, user, role, or channel. Each select menu includes:

      • ID: A unique identifier for the select menu (automatically generated).

      • Label: A descriptive label for the select menu.

      • Options: A list of selectable options within the menu.

      • Placeholder: Text displayed when no option is selected. Optional.

      • Disabled: Whether the select menu is interactive or disabled.

Last updated

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