Get or Create Entry step


The "Get or Create Entry" step is designed to either retrieve an existing entry from a database or create a new one if it doesn't already exist. This step is useful for ensuring that a specific record is always available.


  • Database: Specifies the database from which the entry should be retrieved or in which a new entry should be created.

  • Filter: Defines the criteria for selecting the specific entry to retrieve from the database. If an entry matching the filter is found, it will be returned. If not, a new entry will be created using the provided Value. This filter is based on the schema of the selected database.

  • Value: Specifies the data to be used when creating a new entry if no existing entry matches the filter. This value must align with the schema of the database and will populate the fields of the new entry.


  • Entry: The output of this step is the database entry that was either retrieved or created. This entry is returned as an object variable that contains entry ID, value (based on database schema), created at and updated at attributes.

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