Paths step


The "Paths" step allows for dividing an automation into multiple independent execution paths. Each path can be executed either sequentially or in parallel, depending on the chosen mode.


This step enables the creation of complex automations by branching the workflow into distinct paths, each comprising a series of steps. It's suitable for automations that require handling different scenarios, processes, or conditions within a single sequence.


  1. Mode: Choose the execution mode for the paths.

    • Parallel (at the same time): Executes all paths simultaneously, in parallel.

    • Sequential (one after another): Executes paths one by one, in the order they are defined. This option is required, with a default setting of "Sequential."

  2. Paths: Define the individual paths for the automation. Each path is essentially a list of steps that will be executed as part of that branch. This is a required field.


Perfect for automations that require simultaneous handling of various tasks or conditional execution of different sequences, such as managing diverse user interactions, processing different data types, or conducting multiple operations concurrently.

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