Update Entry step


This step is designed to update an existing entry in a specified database within FlexyBot.


  1. Database: Select the database containing the entry to be updated. This is a required field.

  2. Entry ID: Provide the unique identifier (ID) of the entry to be updated. This is a required field.

  3. Value: Input the new value for the entry. The format and structure of this value depend on the schema of the chosen database. This field dynamically adjusts to match the database's schema.

Dynamic Outputs

  • Entry: The updated database entry. It includes:

    • ID: The identifier of the entry.

    • Value: The updated data for the entry, structured according to the database's schema.

    • Created At: The original creation timestamp of the entry.

    • Updated At: The timestamp of when the entry was updated.


Effective for modifying specific entries within a database, such as updating records, changing settings, or correcting data.

Last updated